Tuesday, February 3, 2009

dinner jacket looks inside

Dinner Jacket is a new(ish) online fashion magazine in Ottawa that has had a pretty impressive start up. If the rumors are true (and I heard them from an inside source), the mag will soon be available in print copies as well which is just fantastic. The online version is beautiful, so I can only imagine how pretty it would be in a hands-on glossy. Besides fashion, the magazine touches on other creative endeavors which, in their november issue, included the interior dwelling details of an ottawa local (although rumor has it, this ottawa native just relocated to Montreal). Anyways, enough of me trying to sound like I have the inside scoop on everything. Just thought you all might enjoy reading this article and seeing the photos of Jesse's place inside this great new mag.

Which got me to thinking...I was perusing some Ottawa blogs today and thinking about how maybe I should emphasize Ottawa a little more on this blog...which made me think that maybe I should start showcasing the interior abodes of Ottawa residents. Lord knows there are some fantastic old apartments in this city and I'm sure more than a few of them are filled with proud citizens who have just as much character, if not moreso, than their century-old museum-quality flats.

What do you think? Is there any interest in Ottawa interiors? (and there I go - doing what I always swore I wouldn't - inviting comments, making the reader feel ackward or guilty if they don't comment and making me feel lame if nobody comments...so comment!).

PS - I'm thinking about starting up another Ottawa-focused blog. Can you guess what the topic's going to be? (there, I did it again).


Anonymous said...

I would love to see Ottawa homes featured!

aandjblog said...

I think that this is a fantastic idea! Good luck :)

karlene said...

I think Ottawa has lots of character and we would love to see some more of it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, Ottawa interiors, please!!! Although mine doesn't really deserve any special attention at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes and yes.

kim. said...

And a yes from me too!!!

McT's Girlfriend said...

This is a great idea. Except for my house which is a dump.

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